Dsenyo Easter Basket Animals

April 8, 2014

We updated our post on Easter chocolate a few weeks ago.  All of our old recommendations still stand!  In fact, I just put in a group order yesterday for Mama Ganache.

Today, I would love to introduce you to one of my favorite fair trade vendors, Dsenyo.  John and Marissa Perry-Saints are the owners, and I met them at the Fair Trade Federation conference last year.  Awesome people.  While they make many wonderful fair trade goods, today I want to tell you about their stuffed animals.   They are absolutely perfect for Easter baskets.  All sell for $24.  While all are super cute, my personal favorite is the elephant- just because I love elephants.







dsenyo bunny





These cute stuffed animals are made by the Mwayiwathu HIV Support Group in Malawi.  According to Dsenyo’s website:


Mwayiwathu HIV Support Group (Malawi) is comprised of 17 members, primarily women afflicted by AIDS, either personally or within their family. Just over one third of the women are widows who have lost their husband to the virus. Widowhood often leaves Malawian women economically disempowered and socially excluded; Mwayiwathu creates opportunity and works for change. The women in this group use their wages to send their kids to school, pay for transport to the hospital to get ARVs, make improvements to their homes, and invest in side business ventures. One woman mentioned she has been able to use the sewing skills learned at Mwayiwathu to stitch school uniforms for her children and others in the community, which makes her very proud!

We don’t have a financial relationship with Dsenyo.  We just love what their company is doing!   Plus- that fox?  Love!

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